Reflections on Instagram: Its Evolution & Mine

Reflections on Instagram: Its Evolution & Mine

There’s no denying that Instagram has been through quite an evolution. All apps need to adapt to keep up with what consumers want, but as a social media professional, I fear that Instagram is losing sight of itself in its efforts to keep up with competitors. Today on the blog, I’m sharing reflections on the changes we’ve seen with Instagram so far and how I’m shifting my approach to the platform.

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10 Blog Posts You Loved in 2021

10 Blog Posts You Loved in 2021

2021 has been quite a year! We’ve covered a lot of topics on this blog since January, so we figured it was worth doing a countdown of 10 blog posts that our readers loved in 2021. Perhaps you’ll find a great one you missed, or learn something new! As always, feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions for topics to blog about.

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Roundup: New Instagram Features in Fall 2021

Roundup: New Instagram Features in Fall 2021

Instagram continues to roll out an abundance of new features in an effort to entice creators, businesses, and individuals to keep using their platform. When Snapchat was popular, Instagram copied their disappearing content idea and created the Stories feature. Now with TikTok exploding in popularity, they’ve copied the quick videos with trendy audio idea and created Reels. I won’t be diving into Reels today, but I do want to share with you some of the newest features that have launched recently, since it can be hard to stay on top of them all! Here’s what’s new on Instagram this fall.

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7 Ways to Make Your Instagram Stories More Engaging

7 Ways to Make Your Instagram Stories More Engaging

In recent years, Instagram Stories have surged in popularity. Increasingly, Instagram users are viewing Stories even more than in-feed posts. Those circles at the top of the app are just so enticing! Today on the blog, I’m diving into how you can make your Instagram Stories more engaging for your audience. People on the internet love to share their opinions and feel heard, so making it interactive is key. Here are seven ways to create engaging content for Insta Stories:

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Why I Use a Social Media Scheduling Tool

Why I Use a Social Media Scheduling Tool

For years now, I’ve been a fan of scheduling tools to tackle the daunting task of social media management. While social media may seem easy to the untrained eye, not everyone who has an Instagram account can do a great job managing social media for a brand. Social media requires a thoughtful strategy, with clear goals and a solid plan for execution. So many businesses launch social accounts and quickly let them fall out of date because they don’t have a plan for posting consistently. That’s where scheduling tools are a lifesaver! Here are a few of the main reasons why I use a scheduling tool.

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How to Optimize Your Instagram Bio

How to Optimize Your Instagram Bio

Writing a top-notch Instagram bio is both an art and a science. How do you craft something that will entice your target audience? That includes all the necessary information and is still concise and compelling? You only have 150 characters to do it! Today on the blog, we’re diving into best practices for optimizing your Instagram bio.

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How Long Should My Instagram Caption Be?

How Long Should My Instagram Caption Be?

Determining how long your Instagram caption should be is an age-old dilemma. Okay, Instagram has only existed for eleven years, so maybe not quite “age-old.” Nonetheless, one of the most common concerns I hear from clients is, “How do I write a good caption? How long should my caption be?” People are stumped by the art of the caption! Today on the blog I’m breaking down Instagram caption length.

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50 Social Media Terms You Should Know: A Glossary to Guide You

50 Social Media Terms You Should Know: A Glossary to Guide You

Social media is constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. There’s a lot of jargon in the marketing industry as a whole, and the social media niche is jam-packed with its own befuddling buzzwords. To make it all a bit more accessible, I’m walking you through 50 social media terms you should know.

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How to Run a Successful Instagram Takeover

How to Run a Successful Instagram Takeover

For over three years now, I’ve been working on a project called I Heart ROC. We tell the stories of Rochesterians living in and loving Rochester, NY. One of the ways we’ve been able to grow our following is through Instagram takeovers. When I joined in May 2016, we had about 800 Instagram followers. By October 2019, we’d reached 13,000 followers. Because Instagram takeovers have been such an effective strategy for us and for many others, I thought I’d share some tips on how to run a successful Instagram takeover.

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