A Conversation with Ella Dawson: Burnout, Boundaries, & Being a Person Online

A Conversation with Ella Dawson: Burnout, Boundaries, & Being a Person Online

This post is a continuation of the “A Conversation With” series, where I interview smart humans about their experiences in social media and content creation. You can read past features here.

This month, I interviewed Ella Dawson, an author, digital strategist, and sex & culture critic who has an abundance of experience in social media, both personally and professionally. In this blog post, we explore personal brand, the evolving social media landscape, burnout, boundaries, and how to make money and be a person online. 

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A Conversation with Megan Prather: Why Vulnerability on TikTok is Worthwhile

A Conversation with Megan Prather: Why Vulnerability on TikTok is Worthwhile

This is the 16th post in the “A Conversation With” series, where I interview smart humans about their experiences in marketing and social media. You can read past features here.

This month, I interviewed Megan Prather, a certified coach who shares vulnerably about difficult parent relationships on her TikTok, where she has a following of 21,000. In this blog post, we dive into her approach to TikTok, why it’s worth getting vulnerable online, and how to balance content creation with caring for your mental health. 

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Reflections on Instagram: Its Evolution & Mine

Reflections on Instagram: Its Evolution & Mine

There’s no denying that Instagram has been through quite an evolution. All apps need to adapt to keep up with what consumers want, but as a social media professional, I fear that Instagram is losing sight of itself in its efforts to keep up with competitors. Today on the blog, I’m sharing reflections on the changes we’ve seen with Instagram so far and how I’m shifting my approach to the platform.

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The TikTok Experiments, Vol. 1: I Posted on TikTok 3 Times per Day for 3 Months. Here's What I Learned.

The TikTok Experiments, Vol. 1: I Posted on TikTok 3 Times per Day for 3 Months. Here's What I Learned.

After being an avid consumer of TikTok content for a few years, last December I started feeling the impulse to experiment with creating my own TikToks. I started making a handful here and there, and by January I felt ready to ramp things up. I challenged myself to post three times a day on TikTok for three months.

Many TikTokkers were claiming that posting three times a day would help you grow quickly–some even advocated for five times a day! I knew five wouldn’t be realistic for me, but thought I could manage three, so I dove in. I started on January 23rd and finished the experiment on April 23rd. I had about 140 followers when I started, and thrillingly, had 1,533 by the end. 580 of those followers I gained in the very last week of the experiment! Here’s what I learned along the way.

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How ADHD Impacts Me as a Business Owner–For Better & For Worse

How ADHD Impacts Me as a Business Owner–For Better & For Worse

In October, I got diagnosed with ADHD. Learning about my ADHD has helped me understand how I function as a human and as a business owner. This learning process all started thanks to TikTok. I saw a video about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, a condition commonly comorbid with ADHD. "I don't have ADHD, but I definitely have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria!" I told my therapist excitedly.

"Oh Emily...you definitely DO have ADHD. I've been trying to tell you that, but I guess you weren't paying attention," she said.

Consider me roasted! I had to laugh. Once I started doing my research, it was shocking how many things suddenly made sense. ADHD has a huge impact on how I show up as a business owner–for better and for worse. If you have ADHD and are considering starting a business, but worry that your ADHD may be a barrier: this blog post is for you! For as much of a hassle as ADHD can be in some ways, it can also be a superpower.

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7 Tips for Meaningful Community Management

7 Tips for Meaningful Community Management

As a social media professional, I’ve spent most of my career in the content creation and strategy space, developing thoughtful strategies and creative tactics tailored to my clients’ goals and executing on them. While I’ve always done some degree of community management for my social media clients, six months ago I began working with a client in a role focused solely on community management for a large, highly engaged audience. It has been so much fun and I’ve learned a ton, so I thought I’d share some of the takeaways here.

But first, let’s take a step back. What is social media community management? Simply put, it’s how your business engages with its audience online. It’s all about building a vibrant community around your brand so that your enthusiastic, loyal audience is eager to promote your brand to their networks as well. Great community management can help a brand go from a standard corporate brand to a more human brand, where supporters can tell the voice behind the account cares about them. That’s special--it’s hard for a customer to find, and difficult for a community manager to pull off! So let’s get into it: how can you do community management in a way that is meaningful and impactful? Here are 7 tips:

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Thoughts on Therapy: Year Three

Thoughts on Therapy: Year Three

On this blog, I always try to be authentic and honest, even as a business owner trying to market my services. For example, in the past I’ve blogged about ending my passion project due to burnout and how I handled taking bereavement time as a freelancer. I’ve even gotten extra-vulnerable and shared insights I gleaned from therapy, reflecting on both the one year and two year milestones. So today it’s time to dive into my thoughts on my third year of going to therapy!

Last year, I wrote about how the pandemic shifted us to Zoom therapy. Though it felt strange at first, in May 2021 I was finally able to resume in-person sessions with my therapist and it was wonderful! I had forgotten how much you lose in body language that’s just outside the Zoom screen, and how nice it is to sit in a safe and cozy space with a person who is dedicated to helping you process, unlearn, and grow. This year was a lot between my grandma’s death in late February and my mom’s in early April, so I had plenty to talk about in therapy. Here are a few of the takeaways.

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A Conversation with Elise Miklich: Thoughts on Authenticity and Mental Health

A Conversation with Elise Miklich: Thoughts on Authenticity and Mental Health

This month, I interviewed my good friend Elise Miklich. If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you may remember that Elise and I co-presented together at Upstate Social last year! She and I often talk about authenticity on social media, and how to care for your mental health when you work in social media, so those are the topics we explored today. I hope you enjoy her insights!

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Thoughts on Therapy: Year Two

Thoughts on Therapy: Year Two

It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been going to therapy for two years now. Last year I wrote about what I learned in my first year of therapy, and I thought it would be worth reflecting on what I learned in year two. Continuing on in therapy for a second year has allowed me to continue to build a relationship with my therapist and to go deeper on several topics, diving into things I don’t often think about unless given a push. This helps me keep learning, realizing things about myself, and growing. Thanks to therapy, I’m not stagnating and getting stuck in behaviors or thought patterns that don’t serve me.

Back in January, I never would have guessed how necessary therapy would become. With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping through the world and shutting the U.S. down back in March, we rocketed off the course of normalcy. Zoom therapy became just another one of the many changes in my daily life. The switch to Zoom therapy hasn’t slowed us down or impeded our connection. I’ve been grateful to be able to continue my therapy throughout the pandemic, when stress and overwhelm is higher than ever.

So without further ado, here are a few things I’ve learned in year two of therapy.

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A Conversation with Katie Strang: Tips for Finding Your Niche

A Conversation with Katie Strang: Tips for Finding Your Niche

This is the third post in the “A Conversation With” series, where I interview talented folks about their areas of expertise, whether that’s social media, marketing, communications, or public relations. You can read past entries in the series here.

This month, I interviewed Katie Strang, a graduate student who has found her niche on Instagram. She runs @OCDIllustrated, an account dedicated to sharing what it’s like to live with OCD. In just a few short years, Katie has built a vibrant community. I hope you enjoy her tips and best practices!

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