How I Took 3 Months of Maternity Leave as a Freelancer

How I Took 3 Months of Maternity Leave as a Freelancer

There’s no universal guide for self-employment, so it can be tricky to navigate personal, emotion-packed situations like taking bereavement time or maternity leave as a freelancer. When I found out I was pregnant last fall, I almost immediately started planning my maternity leave in my head. How would this work? How much time should I take? Would my clients be upset? Would they replace me while I was out? How much income would I lose? 

There were a lot of concerns and logistics to work through, but I knew I needed to give myself time to recover from childbirth and acclimate to parenthood. I wanted to take at least eight weeks of leave. Today on the blog, I’m sharing how I planned for maternity leave, how my leave actually played out, and more. I hope it’s helpful for any self-employed, soon-to-be parents out there who are navigating this too!

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Celebrating 5 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

Celebrating 5 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

This month marks a huge milestone for Serve Me the Sky Digital: we’ve officially been in business for five whole years! According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years. I’m so grateful to be among the 50% that are still standing, especially after social and economic turmoil and personal life changes too. 

In the past five years of growing my business, I’ve met some amazing people, taught engaging workshops, worked on massive global brands and tiny startups, and learned a lot about what it takes to run your own business. I’m thankful for all the opportunities that have come my way, often via my awesome network of supporters and wonderful clients. 

Five years ago, it was hard to picture what the future of Serve Me the Sky Digital would look like. I only had a couple of clients, at rather low rates, and didn’t know what to expect. I took a bet on myself and made the leap. I’m so glad I did. I hope to have many more happy years of self-employment ahead, full of great projects with people and organizations I love working with!

Without further ado, let’s dive into some projects and opportunities I’ve enjoyed this year, lessons learned, and a look to the future. 

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My 23 Favorite Books of 2023

My 23 Favorite Books of 2023

I always enjoy writing my annual ‘Year in Books’ blog post (check out my roundups for 2022, 2021, and 2020 if you missed them!). Reading is the hobby that’s been there for me consistently, year after year, regardless of whatever changes may be happening in my life. 

2023 has been busy! In January, my husband Tim left his day job in engineering to pursue murals and design work full-time under his business Tenderchomps Art. I helped him run a community art event for elementary schoolers at a local library, ghost wrote blog posts for his website, started running his social media, and offered guidance based on my own experience as a business owner. 

In May, I celebrated four years of running Serve Me the Sky Digital! And in August, I dove into a new endeavor: teaching a social media course for undergraduates at Nazareth University. It’s been a year full of learning, new experiences, changes, and great books! At the time of writing, I’ve read 163 books so far this year. 

Let’s get into it! Here are my 23 favorite books of 2023, organized by genre. 

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Celebrating 4 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

Celebrating 4 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

This May marks four years of running my own business full-time. A four year anniversary may not be a big deal to some, but it feels important to me. Four years of successfully running my business, even through an unprecedented global pandemic and economic turmoil? It is a big deal!

As I said in my newsletter this week, running Serve Me the Sky Digital is the most satisfied I’ve ever felt in my work life. I spent four years in higher education and earned a master’s degree in educational administration, then pivoted to nonprofits and worked in marketing at a startup incubator. I learned a lot at those jobs, but both were not a great fit for me.

Since diving into self-employment full-time, I’ve had opportunities I never would’ve guessed would come my way and have been happier all around. Glowing testimonials from clients I love working with make me proud of how far I’ve come and thankful to be where I am in my career right now. 

Let’s get into some of my favorite projects, lessons I’ve learned, and a glimpse ahead!

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My 22 Favorite Books of 2022

My 22 Favorite Books of 2022

Like 2021 and 2020 before it, 2022 contained plenty of struggles and joys, all coexisting in this strange life. In May I celebrated three years of running my own business! I also received my New York State woman-owned business certification in November. 

I also dove into the world of TikTok and blogged about it often, which included one of my most popular blog posts of 2022, where I shared what I learned by posting on TikTok 3 times per day for 3 months. Additionally, I wrote about non-marketing topics like how my ADHD affects me as a business owner and the joys of visiting all 31 libraries in Monroe County.

Libraries have been essential to my reading journey in 2022–they’ve often led me to pick up books I might not have encountered otherwise. Last year, I read over 120 books and shared 35 favorites on the blog. In 2020, I read 86 books and shared my top 25. This year, I’ve narrowed it down even more! I’ve read 155 books this year and I’m sharing 22 of my absolute favorites. 

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Reflections on Instagram: Its Evolution & Mine

Reflections on Instagram: Its Evolution & Mine

There’s no denying that Instagram has been through quite an evolution. All apps need to adapt to keep up with what consumers want, but as a social media professional, I fear that Instagram is losing sight of itself in its efforts to keep up with competitors. Today on the blog, I’m sharing reflections on the changes we’ve seen with Instagram so far and how I’m shifting my approach to the platform.

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Celebrating 3 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

Celebrating 3 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

It’s hard to believe that this month marks three years of running my own business. Strangely enough, this is the third business anniversary I’ve celebrated during the COVID pandemic. My first business anniversary was a few months after the pandemic started, in May 2020, and the second was in May 2021, just as we were all starting to get vaccinated. It’s certainly been a challenging time to start and sustain a business! I’m grateful to all the amazing clients I’ve worked with along the way who have made it possible for me to continue on this fulfilling journey of self-employment.

Without further ado, I’ll share with you some of my favorite projects from the past year, lessons learned along the way, and what I’m looking forward to in the future.

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I Visited All 31 Libraries in the Monroe County Library System. Here's What I Learned.

I Visited All 31 Libraries in the Monroe County Library System. Here's What I Learned.

Last September, I joined the Board of Trustees for the Monroe County Library System (MCLS).

What is the Monroe County Library System? The MCLS is an association of independent public libraries. MCLS members receive many benefits, like a shared catalog, shipping and delivery services so patrons can borrow materials from any library in the system, outreach services, admin and technical support, and more. Central Library in downtown Rochester is the operational hub of the MCLS; the Rochester Public Library is comprised of Central Library and 10 city library branches, all part of the MCLS.

As an obsessive reader and someone who’s always down for an adventure, I decided to visit every library in the system. That’s 31 libraries! I began in late September and finished in early March. In October, my client Celebrate City Living did a theme called “Celebrate: Libraries” on our Instagram, so I visited all 11 city library locations in just one month!

It’s been a fascinating journey to explore all these beautiful libraries that are so vital to our communities. Every library has its own personality and quirks. It was a joy to see the amazing work library staff are doing across Monroe County! I shared my journey on Instagram using #EmilyExploresMCLS, but thought it would be valuable to recap the experience in one convenient blog post.

I’ll be sharing my library experiences in the order in which I visited. My husband joined me for as many of the visits as his schedule allowed, so if I say “we,” that’s who I’m referring to. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

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How to Know When it's Time to Go

How to Know When it's Time to Go

Over the past year or so, I’ve had to make some difficult decisions regarding how I’m spending my time–whether it’s my client work or volunteering efforts. In 2021, I ended client relationships and moved on from leadership positions, and those decisions weren’t easy. Back in 2020, I ended my passion project, which was also a tough call. Sometimes it can be extremely challenging to figure out whether an endeavor is serving you anymore. Is it time to move on? Should you stay? There’s no rulebook and it’s different for everyone!

That’s why I thought it might be helpful to transform some of my own experiences and feelings into a handy quiz for others who are in the same boat. This isn’t a definitive guide, it’s simply meant as a jumping off point.

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How ADHD Impacts Me as a Business Owner–For Better & For Worse

How ADHD Impacts Me as a Business Owner–For Better & For Worse

In October, I got diagnosed with ADHD. Learning about my ADHD has helped me understand how I function as a human and as a business owner. This learning process all started thanks to TikTok. I saw a video about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, a condition commonly comorbid with ADHD. "I don't have ADHD, but I definitely have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria!" I told my therapist excitedly.

"Oh definitely DO have ADHD. I've been trying to tell you that, but I guess you weren't paying attention," she said.

Consider me roasted! I had to laugh. Once I started doing my research, it was shocking how many things suddenly made sense. ADHD has a huge impact on how I show up as a business owner–for better and for worse. If you have ADHD and are considering starting a business, but worry that your ADHD may be a barrier: this blog post is for you! For as much of a hassle as ADHD can be in some ways, it can also be a superpower.

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