24 Books I Loved in 2024

24 Books I Loved in 2024

2024 has been a whirlwind! I welcomed my first child in June, and while a baby isn’t typically conducive to hitting your reading goals, I was still able to read 125 books this year, and my little guy has gotten to enjoy many audiobooks with me during feedings. Pivoting to audio is one big change I’ve noticed in my reading habits this year. I’ve also found myself less drawn to dark and twisty books since having a baby (though they’re still in the mix!). Lighter and more entertaining fare is more appealing these days. If you’re curious about my reading habits in the past, you can take a peek at my roundups from 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020). 

In addition to giving birth to a small human, I taught a crisis communication course at Nazareth University this spring, celebrated 5 years of Serve Me the Sky Digital in May, lost a major client upon returning from maternity leave, onboarded several new clients throughout the fall, interviewed two content creators I admire (Dr. Fran and Ella Dawson), and had one of my most profitable months ever in December. It’s been a year full of changes, joy, and challenges. It’s been exciting and exhausting. Reading was a good way to stay grounded while life was such an emotional roller coaster. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into my 24 favorite books of 2024! I took a new approach this year and organized by mood. 

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My 23 Favorite Books of 2023

My 23 Favorite Books of 2023

I always enjoy writing my annual ‘Year in Books’ blog post (check out my roundups for 2022, 2021, and 2020 if you missed them!). Reading is the hobby that’s been there for me consistently, year after year, regardless of whatever changes may be happening in my life. 

2023 has been busy! In January, my husband Tim left his day job in engineering to pursue murals and design work full-time under his business Tenderchomps Art. I helped him run a community art event for elementary schoolers at a local library, ghost wrote blog posts for his website, started running his social media, and offered guidance based on my own experience as a business owner. 

In May, I celebrated four years of running Serve Me the Sky Digital! And in August, I dove into a new endeavor: teaching a social media course for undergraduates at Nazareth University. It’s been a year full of learning, new experiences, changes, and great books! At the time of writing, I’ve read 163 books so far this year. 

Let’s get into it! Here are my 23 favorite books of 2023, organized by genre. 

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2021 in Books

2021 in Books

I’ll be honest, I’m relieved that 2021 is drawing to a close. For as much as we all talked about how horrible 2020 was, 2021 was a tough year too. Starting in January, I worked as a contact tracer for a few months while business was slow. My grandma died in late February and my mom in early April; afterwards I blogged about taking bereavement time as a freelancer.

When May rolled around, I celebrated two years running my own business and signed my biggest and most exciting client to date 🥳 Over the summer, I spent three months as Interim Executive Director of a nonprofit organization. In the fall, I reflected on my learnings from three years in therapy. I also walked away from a leadership position and dove into a new volunteer opportunity.

I recently recapped some of my most popular blog posts this year, so if you missed any along the way, you can find them here. In addition to writing this blog, I also dug in deep creatively and had nine of my short stories published in various literary magazines, which I’m so proud of! 2021 has been a whirlwind to say the least.

Through all of that chaos, emotion, and busyness, reading has been a source of comfort, distraction, and inspiration. I’m grateful for the books and authors who brought me joy and reflection in 2021.

Last year, I read 86 books and included 25 of them in my 2020 in Books blog post. This year, I’ve read 120 books to date; I’m sharing 35 of my favorites here. Interestingly, I read fewer novels this year--only 50. As a short story and memoir writer myself, I’ve been reaching for those more, and read nine short story collections, seven memoirs, and four graphic memoirs. As a trustee of the Monroe County Library System, I’ve been visiting all 32 libraries in the county, and along the way have grown interested in graphic novels and manga. I’ve read 11 manga and seven graphic novels this fall. I’ve also read 10 nonfiction books, eight poetry collections, and two children’s books.

Let’s get into it! Here’s my 2021 in books.

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