The TikTok Experiments, Vol. 1: I Posted on TikTok 3 Times per Day for 3 Months. Here's What I Learned.

The TikTok Experiments, Vol. 1: I Posted on TikTok 3 Times per Day for 3 Months. Here's What I Learned.

After being an avid consumer of TikTok content for a few years, last December I started feeling the impulse to experiment with creating my own TikToks. I started making a handful here and there, and by January I felt ready to ramp things up. I challenged myself to post three times a day on TikTok for three months.

Many TikTokkers were claiming that posting three times a day would help you grow quickly–some even advocated for five times a day! I knew five wouldn’t be realistic for me, but thought I could manage three, so I dove in. I started on January 23rd and finished the experiment on April 23rd. I had about 140 followers when I started, and thrillingly, had 1,533 by the end. 580 of those followers I gained in the very last week of the experiment! Here’s what I learned along the way.

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A Conversation with Ellie Burke: Tips for Getting Started with Content Marketing

A Conversation with Ellie Burke: Tips for Getting Started with Content Marketing

This is the 14th post in the “A Conversation With” series, where I interview smart humans about their experiences in marketing and social media. You can read past features here.

This month, I interviewed Ellie Burke, a content marketing professional who is the Content & SEO Manager at Campspot. In this blog post, we dive into keywords, SEO misconceptions, and much more.

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4 Reasons Why You Should Try "Good Enough" Marketing

4 Reasons Why You Should Try "Good Enough" Marketing

Many small business owners struggle with marketing themselves. It can feel uncomfortable to be self-promotional, it’s time-consuming, and there’s a desire for your marketing efforts to be perfect. If you’re going to put in the time, you have to get it right…right? Well, not exactly. But what could be better than perfect? You may be wondering. Done. Done is better than perfect.

What is “good enough” marketing? Exactly what the name sounds like–marketing that you’ve gotten done. It may not be the most unique and memorable piece of content ever published, but it’s done. You published it. It’s good enough.

Here are 4 reasons why you should try good enough marketing.

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Is Blogging Still Relevant in 2022?

Is Blogging Still Relevant in 2022?

As I sat down to plan out my blog posts for 2022 earlier this week, I started to wonder, ‘why do I even bother? Is blogging still useful?’ Despite the self doubt that creeps in sometimes, the answer is right in the data. Google Analytics doesn’t lie! People are discovering my business every day through organic search, primarily thanks to this blog. Blogging isn’t dead, despite what you may have heard. Let’s explore the benefits of blogging and how to create valuable blog content.

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