4 Reasons Why You Should Try "Good Enough" Marketing

Many small business owners struggle with marketing themselves. It can feel uncomfortable to be self-promotional, it’s time-consuming, and there’s a desire for your marketing efforts to be perfect. If you’re going to put in the time, you have to get it right…right? Well, not exactly. But what could be better than perfect? You may be wondering. Done. Done is better than perfect.

What is “good enough” marketing? Exactly what the name sounds like–marketing that you’ve gotten done. It may not be the most unique and memorable piece of content ever published, but it’s done. You published it. It’s good enough.

Here are 4 reasons why you should try good enough marketing.

1) People need to see a lot of content and interact with your brand multiple times before they make a purchase.

How many times? A report from Forrester indicates that the average person consumes 11.4 pieces of content from a brand before making a purchase. Your one clever TikTok may inspire someone to follow you, but they need to see at least 10 more pieces of content before they’re ready to make a purchase!

2) You have to feed the content beast.

Social media is a beast that needs to be fed consistently. Instagram doesn’t like it if you post frequently for a week, disappear for a month, then start posting again. You need to constantly be creating new content, both for the sake of the algorithm and for getting in front of customers. With most of my clients, I recommend posting 3-4 times per week on Facebook and Instagram, and even more frequently for platforms like Twitter and TikTok. Most small business owners have a lot on their plate and limited time, so it’s important to accept that in order to feed the beast often enough, everything you’re feeding it may not be 100% perfect. Fed is better than hungry!

3) You’re never going to run out of content.

Lots of small business owners I work with worry about running out of ideas. As long as you’re running a business that’s constantly growing and changing, you’ll have plenty of content ideas! There will always be new products to share, behind-the-scenes moments to capture, heartfelt stories to tell, and more. You don’t need to hoard ideas and spread them out gradually! If you want your audience to stick around, infrequent but perfect posts aren’t enough to hold their attention. You have plenty to share, so share it!

4) No one is going to obsess over your content as much as you are.

Is the transition right on this video? Is that shadow in the photo distracting from the product? Does my voice sound weird in the voiceover? 

It’s easy to worry about the content you’re creating, but trust me, no one is going to analyze it as closely as you are! On average, people spend 2 hours per day on social media. But all 2 hours of that time isn’t spent critiquing your Instagram post! While some people on the internet can be rude, the vast majority aren’t looking for things to criticize. Most are looking for entertainment, education, or connection. It’s more important to post the photo or video and stay top of your customers’ minds than to fixate on one detail you think you should change. 

There will always be one more edit you want to make, a different angle you could shoot from. Eventually, you just have to post it. It’s good enough, I promise.

Before you post, ask yourself:

  • Does this post convey the message I want? 

  • Is it on brand?

  • Is the quality consistent with other things I’ve shared?

  • Do I like it?

Really, those four things are all that matter! As long as your content is on-message, on-brand, comparable quality to your past work, and you like it…that’s fantastic. Go ahead and share it! 

Final Thoughts

It’s important to note that “good enough” doesn’t mean bad or even mediocre. The goal is to create solid, on-brand content that is authentic and resonates with your target audience. It doesn’t need to be ultra-professional or polished; casual and fun can totally work! 

Ultimately, it’s about putting content out there that is real and engaging. Posting nothing but the occasional perfect thing isn’t effective. There are people out there who want your product but have no idea it exists; consistently sharing real content that’s “good enough” will help them find it.

Are you a perfectionist or do you take a “good enough” approach? Share with me at @servemethesky!

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