7 Types of Videos to Make on TikTok

7 Types of Videos to Make on TikTok

Though TikTok has been rising in popularity for years, a stubborn misconception sticks around: it’s just a platform for teens to make dance videos. I’m here to tell you that’s 100% false. Dancing is a small sliver of the abundance of content available on this innovative app that’s changed the way we share online and has Meta quaking in their boots.

The average TikTok user spends 89 minutes per day on the app. If you want to be part of those 89 minutes, then you’d better get creating! Here are 7 types of videos to make on TikTok.

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13 Things Not to Do on Twitter

13 Things Not to Do on Twitter

Twitter continues to be a relevant platform for specific industries and audiences–especially if your brand doesn’t lend itself well to photos or vertical videos. While Twitter may seem simple on the surface–it’s just 280 word posts, how hard can it be?--there’s much more to it! After sharing 11 Things Not to Do on Instagram and 9 Things Not to Do on Facebook to a great response, I’m excited to give you 13 things not to do on Twitter.

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Where Should I Invest My Time & Effort on Social Media?

Where Should I Invest My Time & Effort on Social Media?

As a social media professional, one of the most common questions I get is, “which social media platforms should I be on?” Social media is always changing–you’ve got to keep up with the old standbys of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, then there’s pressure to hop on new platforms, and there are options like LinkedIn and Pinterest to consider. How do you know where to focus your time and effort? Social media is a ton of work, so you want to make sure your time is well spent and that you’re not spreading yourself too thin. Today I’m sharing my best advice for where to invest your time and effort when it comes to social media marketing.

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Celebrating 3 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

Celebrating 3 Years of Serve Me the Sky Digital

It’s hard to believe that this month marks three years of running my own business. Strangely enough, this is the third business anniversary I’ve celebrated during the COVID pandemic. My first business anniversary was a few months after the pandemic started, in May 2020, and the second was in May 2021, just as we were all starting to get vaccinated. It’s certainly been a challenging time to start and sustain a business! I’m grateful to all the amazing clients I’ve worked with along the way who have made it possible for me to continue on this fulfilling journey of self-employment.

Without further ado, I’ll share with you some of my favorite projects from the past year, lessons learned along the way, and what I’m looking forward to in the future.

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Is Blogging Still Relevant in 2022?

Is Blogging Still Relevant in 2022?

As I sat down to plan out my blog posts for 2022 earlier this week, I started to wonder, ‘why do I even bother? Is blogging still useful?’ Despite the self doubt that creeps in sometimes, the answer is right in the data. Google Analytics doesn’t lie! People are discovering my business every day through organic search, primarily thanks to this blog. Blogging isn’t dead, despite what you may have heard. Let’s explore the benefits of blogging and how to create valuable blog content.

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