6 Lessons from Duolingo TikTok Strategist Zaria Parvez

6 Lessons from Duolingo TikTok Strategist Zaria Parvez

Last week, I was lucky enough to see Zaria Parvez, Duolingo’s TikTok strategist, give a fantastic keynote at AAF Greater Rochester’s R/AD Week. If you’ve seen the infamous unhinged owl on Duolingo’s TikTok account, you’ve likely either laughed, been shocked, or a little bit of both. Some may assume this is a chaotic and ill-advised approach to social media, but it’s actually incredibly thoughtful and strategic. Duolingo takes calculated risks with their brand on TikTok, delicately balancing their intentions with the impact they anticipate a bold move can have. Here are some key lessons I took away from Zaria’s keynote.

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A Conversation with Erica Allen-Lubman: On Creativity, Viral Videos, & Mental Health as a TikTokker

A Conversation with Erica Allen-Lubman: On Creativity, Viral Videos, & Mental Health as a TikTokker

This is the 15th post in the “A Conversation With” series, where I interview smart humans about their experiences in marketing and social media. You can read past features here.

This month, I interviewed Erica Allen-Lubman (they/she), a talented musician who goes by Boy Jr. and has gained a following of 291,000 on TikTok with their hilarious, creative videos. In this blog post, we dive into how to get started on TikTok, tips for getting your videos to take off, and how to deal with the mental health impact of growing a large following online.

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Optimal TikTok Posting Times & Frequency

Optimal TikTok Posting Times & Frequency

Last November, I wrote about TikTok for small businesses and how the platform holds tremendous potential for reaching people who aren’t familiar with your brand. When I wrote that post, I was merely a voracious consumer of TikToks; now I’m a TikTok content creator! Over the holidays I started experimenting with creating content for the platform. It seemed intimidating at first, but with a bit of practice and getting more comfortable in front of the camera, I’ve realized that making TikToks doesn’t have to be difficult! It can be a lot of fun.

As I’ve gotten into the swing of content creation for TikTok, I’ve started to wonder about posting times and frequency. If you’re looking to get started on TikTok and are eager to know when to post and how often to share new content, then this blog post is for you!

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A Conversation with Stephanie Hanna: Demystifying Sponsored Posts

A Conversation with Stephanie Hanna: Demystifying Sponsored Posts

This is the fourth post in the “A Conversation With” series, where I interview talented folks about their areas of expertise, whether that’s social media, marketing, or communications. You can read past entries in the series here.

This month, I interviewed Stephanie Hanna, the content creator behind Sip and Savour Rochester. We talked about everything that goes into creating content, partnering with brands, and crafting a great sponsored post. I hope you learn something new!

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