8 Tips for Working from Home

8 Tips for Working from Home

For awhile now I’ve been meaning to write a blog post about working from home, and with the coronavirus top of mind for countless American workers, I figured there was no better time than the present to get this post out into the world. Of course, you know that you should blast Fifth Harmony’s “Work From Home” at the start of each workday, but what else should you do to ensure #WFH success?

I’ve been working for home for about 10 months now, ever since I took Serve Me the Sky Digital full-time. I walk a fine line between introversion and extroversion, so I wasn’t sure how working from home was going to go. I was nervous I might feel isolated or bored. That hasn’t been the case. However, there are a few key things I’ve learned along the way that have made working from home work for me. I’m sharing them here with you today in case they help you too.

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6 Lessons from My First Month of Self-Employment

6 Lessons from My First Month of Self-Employment

Today I’m celebrating. Why? It marks the one month anniversary of me leaving my full-time job to pursue the great adventure of self-employment. No regrets so far! I’m trying not to let myself wear rose-colored glasses all the time; working for yourself can be lovely, but I know it won’t always be easy.

I’ve learned a lot in the first month (and I know there’s more to learn ahead!). To celebrate the one month milestone, I’m sharing a few of the lessons I’ve learned so far.

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