What I'm Reading for Black History Month 2020

What I'm Reading for Black History Month 2020

Last year, I read 118 books, and one thing that made my reading challenge extra-enjoyable was spending specific months focused on a particular reading topic. I read books by Black authors for Black History Month, by women authors for Women’s History Month, and by LGBTQ+ authors for Pride Month. Of course, it’s important to read diverse authors year-round and not just in certain months, but it helped me to diversify my reading list all around. If you’re interested in diversifying your reading list, you can catch my best tips on the 540WMain blog.

This year, I’m slowing down my reading pace a bit, but I have four books I’m eager to dive into for Black History Month.

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20 Books for 2020

20 Books for 2020

If you know me, you know I’m an obsessive reader. I devour books like some people binge TV shows or podcasts. Last year, I read 118 books (the goal was 100, but I hit that goal in October and kept going) and blogged about them along the way. I guess I should have seen the whole hitting 100 books in October thing coming when I hit the 50 book mark in May.

You can’t read more every year, so no, I’m not upping my reading goal again. In fact, I’m cutting it in half. My goal for 2019 is just 59 books. I’m hoping to read a bit less (and some longer books that I skipped in 2019 so I could read more books) and to try out some new hobbies and creative pursuits.

But of course, there are still plenty of books I’m looking forward to reading in 2020. Plus, people are always asking me for recommendations, so without further ado, here are 20 books I’m looking forward to reading in 2020.

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Pride Month Reads

Pride Month Reads

This year, I embarked on the ambitious adventure of reading 100 books in 2019. By the end of May, I’d already read 50 books. I knew this year of breakneck-speed reading would get a little dull after awhile if I continued to reach for all the same types of books I usually do (AKA extremely dark and twisty works of fiction), so I planned out some themed months to explore different perspectives and genres. June, of course, was Pride Month. My Pride Month reads were super fun, so I wanted to share them with you.

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50 Books in 5 Months

50 Books in 5 Months

I’ve reached the big five-oh! No, I’m not turning fifty, but I have read 50 books in five months.

For 2019, I set a lofty goal for my Goodreads Reading Challenge: 100 books. I’ve never read that many books in one year before. The most I’ve done is 70 books, and that was back in 2014. I was still in grad school, and that included some of the books I read for my graduate work.

I’m tracking this endeavor with my own hashtag, #emilys100books2019, on Twitter and Instagram. It’s been a good way to hold myself accountable and it’s started some interesting conversations too!

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